In partnership with the Nutrition Policy Institute, we continue to work to identify ways to ensure that schools make healthy and delicious meals available to all students.
- Thompson HR, Gosliner W, Ritchie L, Wobbekind K, Reed AL, O’Keefe O, Madsen KA. The Impact of a Multipronged Intervention to Increase School Lunch Participation among Secondary School Students in an Urban Public School District. Child Obes. 2020 Aug;16(S1):S14-S22. doi: 10.1089/chi.2019.0233. Epub 2020 Mar 10.
- Machado SS, Ritchie LD, Thompson HR, Madsen KA. The Impact of a Multi-Pronged Intervention on Students’ Perceptions of School Lunch Quality and Convenience and Self-Reported Fruit and Vegetable Consumption. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2020 Aug 18;17(16). doi: 10.3390/ijerph17165987.
- Thompson HR†, Park E†, Ritchie LR, Madsen KA Gosliner W. Impact of a district-wide chocolate milk removal policy on urban secondary students’ milk selection and consumption. Preventing Chronic Disease. 2020;17:200033. DOI: https://doi.org/10.5888/pcd17.200033.
- Tan ML, Laraia B, Madsen KA, Johnson RC, Ritchie L. Community Eligibility Provision and School Meal Participation among Student Subgroups. J Sch Health. 2020 Oct;90(10):802-811. doi: 10.1111/josh.12942. Epub 2020 Aug 4. PubMed PMID: 32754916.
- Machado S†, Ritchie LR, Thompson HR†, Reed A†, Ibarra-Castro A†, Neelon M, Madsen KA. Multi-pronged intervention to increase secondary student participation in school lunch: Design and rationale. Contemporary Clinical Trials. 2019; 78:133-139.
Reports & Presentations
Research Brief: Innovations in School Meals
The “Multi-Pronged Intervention to Increase Secondary Student Participation in School Lunch” was a 3-year quasi-experimental study to examine novel methods for increasing school-meal participation. This study was implemented in partnership with the San Francisco Unified School District (SFUSD) during the 2015-2018 school years. Main outcomes were school meal participation, self-reported fruit and vegetable consumption and school meal perceptions among students.